Biden and controversial remarks cast a shadow over Vice President Kamala Harris’s significant closing address on the Ellipse Tuesday. Harris spoke to a crowd of tens of thousands, delivering a message meant to resonate with voters. Meanwhile, President Biden remained discreetly ensconced at the White House, intentionally out of view during her speech. However, his presence inadvertently overshadowed her message just a week before the election.
Biden’s Controversial Comments Spark Outrage
That evening, Biden stirred considerable controversy for Harris’s campaign by seemingly labeling Donald Trump’s supporters as “garbage” during a call with Latino voters. He later clarified that his remark targeted one individual—Tony Hinchcliffe, a comedian who made offensive comments about Puerto Rico and other topics at a rally for the former president—not all of Trump’s supporters. However, footage of Biden’s statement circulated rapidly, causing significant damage. Republicans drew parallels between this comment and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 description of Trump’s backers as “deplorables.”
Harris and Shapiro Respond to Backlash
Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro remarked to CNN that campaigns should avoid disparaging the supporters of opposing candidates. “Those certainly aren’t words I would choose,” he stated. Harris, addressing reporters at Joint Base Andrews, noted that the president had “clarified his comments” and emphasized, “I vehemently oppose any criticism of individuals based on their voting choices,” asserting her commitment to serve all Americans. She mentioned that Biden called her Tuesday night, but the “garbage” comments were not discussed.
The Context of Biden’s Remarks
The misstep arose as Biden expressed disdain for Hinchcliffe’s assertion that Puerto Rico was a “floating island of garbage,” a statement from which the Trump campaign has sought to distance itself. During his call with Voto Latino, Biden remarked, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable and un-American.” The White House contended that the uproar stemmed from a misplaced apostrophe—Biden intended to refer to “a supporter,” not “supporters.”

Biden’s Marginalized Role in the Campaign
Biden’s absence from Harris’s high-profile event in his own backyard further exemplified how the president has been marginalized in a campaign that once revolved around him. This diminished role has been challenging for him, according to sources who have recently interacted with Biden and his team. One individual close to the president described him as “somewhat regretful” about stepping away from the presidential campaign. Others noted that he has redirected his focus toward building his legacy, which will encompass his presidential library.
Polling Data Reflects Voter Sentiment
Harris confronts challenges being closely linked to Biden, particularly as voters express dissatisfaction with rising inflation and increased illegal crossings at the southern U.S. border during their tenure. Recent polling from the Wall Street Journal indicates that up to 57% of voters hold an unfavorable view of Biden. Among independent voters that Harris aims to attract, 65% rate him unfavorably.

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Biden’s Gaffes and Campaign Dynamics
This isn’t the only gaffe Biden has made during his rare political appearances. Last week, at a campaign office in New Hampshire, he generated negative headlines once again. “We need to lock him up,” Biden stated regarding Trump, quickly clarifying, “politically lock him up. Lock him out, that’s what we need to do.” Harris has been cautious to distance herself from this phrase during her campaign, especially when her supporters have chanted it concerning Trump’s criminal convictions and legal challenges.
Trump’s Response to Biden’s Comments
In response to Biden’s comments Tuesday, Trump declared that both Biden and Harris were unfit for leadership. “My desire is to be the president for all people,” he stated on social media. Biden has not participated in a campaign event with Harris since Labor Day. While he has attended a few political gatherings since the Democratic National Convention in late August, they have been low-key, including a Tuesday engagement where he and Maryland’s Democratic Senate candidate Angela Alsobrooks conversed with a handful of voters at an ice-cream shop in Baltimore.
Biden’s Vision for Harris’s Future
Biden has made it clear that Harris will need to establish her own distinct path. “Every president must carve their own way. That’s what I did,” Biden stated earlier this month while speaking to union members in Philadelphia. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates affirmed that “the most significant contribution he can make is to continue demonstrating leadership as president.”
Biden’s Plans for the Future
Post-election, Biden plans to concentrate on his legacy, including a public push for his presidential library. However, his team has encountered challenges raising the estimated $200 million to $300 million needed for it. A contributing factor is that Biden has not been a particularly effective fundraiser. Some potential donors and their advisers report they haven’t been approached but will wait for clarity regarding the election results; others feel confusion and resentment regarding Biden’s re-election campaign and subsequent withdrawal.
In conclusion, Biden and controversial remarks and actions reflect the complexities of his role in Harris’s campaign as well as the broader electoral landscape leading up to the upcoming election.
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